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How to Set Up a Database With Firebase Firestore to Use With Android Architecture Components

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash. In a previous article, we discussed how to create an Android app with two of the most important building blocks of Android Architecture Components: LiveData and ViewModel. This is a follow-up to that tutorial. Once we have an app with clean architecture, we will be configuring Firebase Firestore for Android Architecture Components to update...

Create an App That Uses LiveData and ViewModel in Java

Photo by Anders Jildén on Unsplash. Among the wide range of tools that were released with Android Jetpack, Android Architecture Components, LiveData, and ViewModel are particularly useful. I’m creating this tutorial in response to Ashton Jones, who expressed that there are very few examples for integrating these Architecture Components with Google Firestore. In this...

What is SwiftUI?

SwiftUI was released at the end of 2019. Just like every year, Apple announced multiple updates for developers. After the event, I promised myself I was going to get ahead of time and learn it right away (yeah just like iOS developers version of New Year’s Eve resolutions), truth is… I didn’t. Today I took my first dive into it and wanted to make it easier for anyone who still hasn’t had the time...

Accessibility in Android With Material Design

As part of Material Design Guidelines, Android added help for developers and designers to improve accessibility in Android apps. The topic of accessibility has become very important in web apps, this because indexing in search engines is improved when apps follow accessibility best practices. As this has not been enforced in mobile applications so much, we often forget it is key for inclusion and...

What is the Android Gradle Plugin

Gradle has been the official Android build tool for quite some time now. It was introduced alongside Android Studio. Before the Android Gradle plugin, Android apps were built in Eclipse with ANT, another build tool. But even though it’s one of our basic everyday tools as Android developers, sometimes we don’t know what is behind it. Let’s learn what is behind this powerful tool. Photo by Bia...

Are Apps Built in React Native Really Native Apps?

Photo by Tudor Baciu on Unsplash React Native has been with us for a while now. It was launched in March 2015, which means this month it’s turning five years old. I started working with it three years ago when it was in its initial phases. It became popular for three main reasons: Airbnb was using it, and they were blogging awesomely about it here on Medium.It was used and...

Android Pop-up messages Tutorial for beginners

Since the very early years of computers, we started getting familiar with the term ‘pop-up’. Back then it was something you wanted to block by all means. Most of the time it was related to publicity or malware. Now in the era of smartphones, we have alerts and dialogs, in which I created a three-part tutorial previously. In this tutorial, we will learn of Android pop-up messages...

Code Interview Resources

Photo by Mark Rabe on Unsplash Many people would say “all” software engineers will want to work on a FAANG company at least once. I wouldn’t generalize because many of us end up following other dreams, in my case, for example, I love working remotely, programming and tech writing. Because of the above, I will say, “many” software engineers may eventually get an interview...

A Review of Android Studio 3.6: Code-In Mobile

On Feb. 24, 2020, Google released the newest version of Android Studio, labeled version 3.6. If you’re like me, you probably haven’t paid attention to this update and will just do it whenever your projects need it or when you finally pay attention to the update pop-up. Don’t worry, keeping up with the changes in mobile development is hard — we can barely learn the new SDK features, let alone know...

Android 11 Developer Preview Highlights

Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash Today, Android announced the Android 11 developer preview. It’s 02–20–2020, and I’m starting to write this at 20:20 at night. I’m a big fan of numbers, so I hope this means something good for the Android world. The world of mobile technologies is fast-paced and changes in the blink of an eye. Personally, I struggle to keep up with the changes, even...

Evana Puig

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Mobile Developer expert in Android and iOS, with 10 years of experience. Visit me at Author, and topic master at